Hajji Ali Mwizera, accused of defiling his 14-year-old stepdaughter, has been granted bail by the High Court despite strong opposition from the State. His wife, Hajjat Zuurah, had initially raised the allegations, triggering public outrage and intense media scrutiny.
During the bail hearing, the State opposed the release, citing the gravity of the offense, which carries a maximum penalty of death. Prosecutors argued that Mwizera posed a flight risk, had failed to present exceptional circumstances warranting his release, and questioned the substantiality of his sureties.
Despite these concerns, High Court judge His Lordship Isaac Muwata granted bail under stringent conditions. Mwizera was required to pay a cash bond of UGX 2 million, while his sureties were each tasked with non-cash bonds of UGX 10 million. Additional conditions include:
- Depositing his passport with the Deputy Registrar.
- Prohibition from traveling outside the court’s jurisdiction without prior permission.
- Refraining from intimidating or contacting anyone involved in the case.
- Reporting to the High Court Registrar every last Monday of the month.
The decision to grant bail has drawn mixed reactions. Advocates for children’s rights have expressed concern over the potential implications on public confidence in the justice system, while Mwizera’s legal team welcomed the court’s decision as a recognition of his right to presumption of innocence.
The case will proceed to trial, with both sides under pressure to ensure justice is served transparently and swiftly.