Shock and disbelief clouded the Ugandan political arena on Wednesday evening, when the Democratic Party president and H.E Kaguta Museveni featured in a video tweeted by the latter in a meeting at State house, Nakesero, in which the two party presidents signed an agreement establishing an alliance and working cooperation between their respective parties, Democratic Party and the National resistence movement. The signing of the memorandum of understanding between the two political party presidents was witnessed by both party Secretary Generals, Todwong Richard on behalf of NRM and Gerald Siranda on behalf of DP.
In this meeting, DP party president Norbert Mao, pledged allegiance to the NRM as a drive towards the long sought reconciliation process .
In his remarks , The Democratic Party president said it was high time they reconciled as political actors to alleviate divisions and pressure along political lines to evoke stability in the country.
However, the public’s reception of these events was with displeasure as they were heard saying that this alliance was not without ulterior motives such as weakening the opposition, the DP president thirst after for a ministry and appropriation of government hinged livelihoods and renumeration for the DP diehards. It is also alleged that the alliance harboured a number of conditions like election of DP’s Secretary General Siranda as EALA MP , more DP members to be appointed Ministers as well as RDCs as part of the working relationship for both parties .
In the same meeting, the Democratic Party President committed to ensuring that Northern Uganda continues to strongly support NRM without interference from other opposition parties as this will ease and ensure that people from Northern Uganda get government services and development in the area.
This official marriage between DP and NRM has sparked public back lash from loyal DP party members and other opposition political party members who criticise Mao for eventually publisizing his stealth alliance with the NRM.
Top DP party leaders and members represented, the Buikwe South MP and DP Central region chairperson Hon. Lulume Bayiga expressed their disatisfaction with Mao’s decision saying it was taken without intrernal party consultations .
During an interview with CBS FM radio., the DP Central region boss confirmed that DP top organs were going to sit and appoint another President and Secretary General as soon as possible.
In conclusion his excellency Yoweri Kaguta Museveni who is also the Chairman of the NRM party thanked DP president Norbert Mao for being a charismatic leader with vision and always wished uganda well.
As usual No DP without Museveni, he commented.
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