A devastating fire at Hillside Endarasha Academy in Nyeri, central Kenya, has claimed the lives of at least 17 children, with 13 others severely injured. As the nation mourns, authorities have launched an urgent investigation to determine the cause of the blaze that tore through the school’s dormitory on Thursday night.
In the wake of the tragic fire that engulfed a dormitory at Hillside Endarasha Academy, questions are being raised about the safety measures in place at boarding schools across Kenya. The fire, which erupted late Thursday night, resulted in the deaths of 17 children, whose bodies were burnt beyond recognition, according to national police spokesperson Resila Onyango.
With the cause of the fire still unknown, President William Ruto has vowed that those responsible for the tragedy will be held accountable. “I instruct relevant authorities to thoroughly investigate this horrific incident,” Ruto said, emphasizing the need for swift action.
The President’s remarks highlight the growing concern over school safety standards, particularly in boarding schools, where students are especially vulnerable to such disasters.
Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua echoed these concerns, urging school administrators to rigorously enforce safety guidelines provided by the education ministry. The incident has sparked a national conversation about the adequacy of existing safety protocols and the need for stricter enforcement to prevent future tragedies.
The Kenya Red Cross has stepped in to offer psychosocial support to the survivors, teachers, and grieving families, as the nation comes to terms with the loss. As the investigation continues, the focus remains on ensuring that such a devastating event does not occur again, prompting calls for immediate reforms in school safety practices.