By Timothy Lukanga
Rt.Hon. Justine Kasule the head of publicity, media and entertainment on the Busoga Royal wedding Organizing Committee has confirmed that the officially Inhebantu Jovia Mutesi as the wife to Kyabazinga William Nadiope Gabula IV amidst the ongoing claims by other woman based in United Kingdom to be married to him.
Lumumba disclosed to the press at the top notch red carpet event that was been organized as part of a series of activities being conducted within Busoga and other areas to give chance to all friends of Busoga Corporate entities ,Humanitarian Agencies and other partners to show case and be part of the Royal Celebrations.
‘’It is the responsibility of the Kyabazinga to show us Inhebantu, we don’t have any power to question, we only appreciate kneel and greet life goes on’’Said Lumumba.
The Royal banquet slated for 27th November 2023 at Kololo Independence Grounds starting from 5p.m, the event is open to all guests and entrance is by cards costing Ugx 500,000 per quest and Ugx 5,000,000 for corporate tables.
The Busoga Royal Wedding is scheduled for 18th November 2023 at Bugembe Parish Cathedral in Jinja. Activities such as tree planting, health camps and general cleaning are set in towns of Bugembe before the wedding.
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